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Alpine American Little League


Picture Day | April 21, 2024

*IMPORTANT* Coaches, team parents, parents/guardians: Please do not request a private session for your team/s. We've had 11 requests and it is not possible to have a main Picture Day, a make-up day, and a dozen additional private make-up days at this time. We are unable to provide private makeup day sessions due to availability, and especially since we've had two rain delays. We need time to photograph, produce, and deliver pictures so that parents/guardians won't receive them at the very end of the season. Thank you. 

Location | Grass area behind the Majors Field.

Picture Times Per Division:

*Only players, coaches, and team parents are permitted in the picture area. Parents, please wait outside the picture area. Thank you.*

Minor B teams - 2:00pm

TBall - 3:00pm

CAPS - 4:00pm

Major & Senior/Junior/Intermediate teams - 5:00pm

Minor A teams - 6:00pm

Note to Coaches | Please do not enter the picture area until you have your full team together. Also, have each player ready with their bat and glove. 

If you have a team in more than one division, feel free to have both of your teams photographed in the same time slot. Please let us know in advance by emailing: [email protected]

What to Bring | Please have your player/s picture ready in their full uniform, including their hat. Also, please have them bring their own bat and glove to have in their pictures. There are no order forms or paperwork for you to bring. Picture orders will be placed after Picture Day.

Buddy Pictures | We encourage buddy pictures. Buddy pictures can be taken within any division time slot.   

*Only players, coaches, and team parents are permitted in the picture area. Parents, please wait outside the picture area.*

Delivery of Pictures | The league package and all orders placed by May 5th, will be delivered to your team’s coach/team parent. All orders placed after May 5th will be shipped to your home (shipping/handling will apply). 

Details | Pictures will be photographed in nice lighting with a beautiful, natural background. There will be no order forms to turn in. Parents will be able to order prints, digital downloads, and merchandise through their team’s private and secure online gallery. The link to access your pictures will be provided by your coach/team parent. Each player will receive a photo package which includes (1) 8x10 composite (team picture, individual picture, league logo) & 4 wallets and (1) photo button from the same individual pose used in the composite. The best pose/expressions will be selected by the photographer for each league package.

New Picture Day Style | In the past, each player was photographed through a quick, one pose shoot. Our new system has replaced the traditional shoot with a small session for each player that includes a variety of poses with a professional photographer. Also, the composite design has been upgraded.

Placing Orders | You will receive a link from your coach/team parent to your team's private picture gallery. The gallery contains a shopping cart where you may order digital downloads, professional prints, trader cards, wallets, photo pins, photo keychains, posters, banners, and statuettes.

Make-up Picture Day 

April 26th. Make up day is for players that missed their individual picture on Picture Day on April 21st, and for buddy pictures ONLY. There will be no team pictures taken on Make-up Day. Team pictures will ONLY be taken on Picture Day on April 21st. 

Make-up Pictures Day location: Behind Majors Field

Time 4pm - 6pm



Contact Us

Alpine American Little League

2710 Alpine Blvd, Ste K, PMB 342
Alpine, California 91901

Email Us: [email protected]
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